Daber Elai Bi’Frachim
Hasifriya Theater
Ramat Gan 2015-2016
Director: Shuki Vagner
Solo cabaret show featuring interpretations of Israeli classics, chansons, and musical tunes.
Following its success after a two week daily run, the show returned for another two weeks of daily performances a few months later.
“On one hand, a moving evening, on the other, enjoying and uplifting, and a successful musical experience.” -Haim Noy, cafe.themarker
“For more than an hour I was delighted by Naama’s wonderful voice. She conquered the stage with her charm, her rich voice range, her delicate movements, and the smile that never left her face.” -Esti Tal, Motke
“Naama managed to hypnotize the audience with her amazing voice, her facial expressions, her ability to change characters. She crated an interesting interaction with the audience using singing, gestures, monologues, speaking eye to eye, and flirting.” -Nina Perry, Saloona